Welcome to Flying C Quarter Horses!

Take a tour, look at the horses, examine the blood lines. 

It’s been a busy and exciting 6 years here at the ranch. Six years ago CR Stylish Lil Pepto, a filly by Sweet Lil Pepto, was foaled by CR Stylish Cheena. Turner West started her as a 2 year old, and Chris Johnsrud continued her training as a 3 year old. It was decided to enter her in several small futurities rather than the Big One in Fort Worth. ‘Moonie’ performed exceptionally as a 3 year old:

  • High combined score going into the finals at Amarillo, finished 5th
  • Finished 3rd at the Brazos Bash
  • Finished in the money at Waco

Her 4 year old performances earned her the Reserve Champion title, ACHA. She was shown by Mike Mowery and by Mike Crumpler, Sr.
Her 5 year old performances again earned her the Reserve Champion title, ACHA. This year she was shown by Mike Crumpler, Sr.
Going into her 6 year old performance year Mike Crumpler, Jr. is showing her for me.

Last year, CR Mr Peppys Mambo, was shown by Mike Crumpler, Jr., and won the title of World Champion in the 3000 Novice Horse class, ACHA.

Also last year two of my young geldings sold. CR Stylish Rey Von sold as a 2 year old and moved to Arizona. Turner West negotiated the sale. And CR Sannman Quil, a 3 year old, was purchased by Chris Johnsrud.

Last year’s foals, fillies out of CR Stylish Cheena and CR La Gata Bonita, by Hashtags and Lil Spoon respectively, are maturing nicely and will start training late 2022. Both are red roans.

Cheena delivered this year’s foal on March 6, see photo. Another red roan filly by Sweet Lil Pepto. She is a pretty little thing.

Bonita’s foal arrived on April 1st. She is a bay roan with lots of white in her flanks and down her legs. Tall, healthy, and quite active.

If any of these horses interest you, contact me at [email protected]  or call at 512.750.8528.

Thank you for visiting my web site.
Craig Robinson

Congratulations to Chris Johnsrud and CR Stylish Lil Pepto for their stellar performance at the Metallic Cat West Texas Futurity!

 'Moonie' marked a 219.5 in the first go round to tie for the lead, a 220 in the second go to take the high score total into the finals. She marked a 215 to tie for 5th place in the show.


The 2024 foals are arriving!
Click here to view.

Flying C Quarter Horses
Craig Robinson
[email protected]

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